Spotlight: Indigenous Education Resources


Learning about Indigenous perspectives, worldviews and cultures in the classroom benefits every student. Edwin has curated a range of resources from Grades 4–10 that invite students to learn about Truth and Reconciliation, Treaty Rights and Language Revitalization.



Curated Resources to get classrooms started


Print your own “staffroom” poster promoting Indigenous education materials in Edwin.

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The links above are only a preview of all the Indigenous resources available to get classrooms started. Find much more in Edwin today.

Explore more with our PL Webinar Series


In this webinar series, Niigaan Sinclair, one of Canada’s leading voices on truth and reconciliation and the TRC Commission, provides information and relevant resources on what our responsibilities are as school communities in fulfilling the Calls to Action, and how this work connects to education today.

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Niigaan Sinclair - Education for Reconciliation