Unparalleled support

Meet your partners in classroom success.
(Oh… and we’re teachers too.)

Edwin Classroom Support

"Classroom Success" text in blue and yellow with arrows, on an orange background.

See how we do it:

Meet your partners in classroom success. Edwin has a team of educators ready to support you every day of the school year. With Edwin, you’re never alone. Edwin Educators help students and teachers achieve their goals, answer your pressing questions, and bring interactive learning experiences to life.

Go ahead. Dream BIG.

We are your Go-To Team to take your ideas to the next level. Together, we can help you reach your classroom goals. Shake up the classroom experience your way.

There is no one-size-fits-all.

From STEAM Stories to Design Thinking, the Edwin Cafe Club to Financial Literacy Fridays, Edwin Educators have partnered with classrooms around the world.

Together we turn ideas into reality, using Edwin to excite and inspire students.

See how we’ve done it ›

Make the most of Edwin in ways that are right for you with some of our most popular sessions.

Edwin 101

What is Edwin? And how do I teach with it? Join us for a quick, 20-minute overview of the Edwin basics.

Graphic with words "Live Lessons" and a camera icon

Live Lessons

Wondering what an Edwin lesson looks like? Bring your class to a 1-hour, virtual lesson hosted by an Edwin Educator. Join us to see Edwin in action!

Colorful logo with a stylized blue text and a yellow circle with a black oval in the middle.

Explore our Virtual Sessions calendar, and pick a time that works best for you!

Can’t find what you need? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let us know how we can help ›

Not on Edwin yet?

Edwin has the right plan for your classroom.

Schedule a Demo

Let’s talk.

We’re here to help you create a transformation in the classroom, and at scale within the district. See how Edwin can be the best fit for your needs—through custom differentiated learning, an agile and continually relevant curriculum content offering, and the unparalleled partnership of the Classroom Success Team. One of our specialists will walk you through an introduction.

Just complete the form below.