

Trauma-Informed Leadership

Trauma is increasingly recognized as a challenge in education, not just trauma that students experience, but educators too. This series will focus on the critical elements of leading a trauma-sensitive approach, whether you are a school administrator, classroom teacher, or system leader. Each session will include strategies to support students, as well as strategies to support staff.

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Big T& Little T: Trauma & Healing

This first session will examine trauma in its various forms, along with the many ways that trauma can manifest itself in the classroom, both as a student and as an educator. It will also examine how we can help others heal from trauma, especially as educators and not therapists.

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The Secure Base: Trauma’s Antidote

Trauma can be best understood as a violation of safety, a transgression of the relationship. Thus, the healing of trauma is done through relationships. In this session, we examine what it means to be a secure base--for students and for staff--the foundation of the healing relationship.

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Reflexivity: The Trauma-Informed Mindset

Understanding and responding to trauma challenges us to think differently. It requires us to appreciate the complex nature of people and problems, to see beyond behaviour to underlying needs, to let go of our ego, to recognize our vulnerabilities, and to become more aware of our contributions to the very problems we seek to solve. In this session, we explore the reasons why Self-Reflexivity is fundamental to a trauma-informed approach and strategies to improve self-reflexivity.

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Eustress & Distress: Reducing Trauma’s Impact

Trauma typically disrupts the “normal” stress response, often turning smaller stresses into larger ones. Yet, stress is a vital part of learning and development. In this session, we explore the signs of trauma-influenced stress and provide strategies on how we can help ourselves, students, and staff manage stress more effectively.

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Words Define Us: Challenging Narratives

The way we speak about people and their struggles is powerful. As a leader, you have an important role in challenging harmful narratives and promoting healthy ones. This session will examine how to change the way we think about problems and possibilities through the narratives we construct.

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Staying the Course

How can we embed an effective and meaningful trauma-informed approach into education over the long haul - while ensuring that other education priorities are also met?

📥 Download Session 6 Webinar Handout

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