An Inside Perspective of an Edwin Classroom


Courage and trust level the playing field

The very first Edwin Classrooms discovered that a digital learning platform could empower the core practice of teaching, and educator Kate Pellerin of Riverside P.S. reminds us that Edwin “takes some of that management side of teaching and lets me focus on a lot more of that connection side.”

Now, St. Julia Catholic Elementary becomes the first school in the Dufferin-Peel board to adopt the Edwin Pilot Program, and they welcome us to Mississauga to witness how Edwin is already transforming classrooms today. Educator Karla Cinapri encourages educators to “put your own fears aside,” and let students benefit from the additional responsibility and seamless collaboration.

While Edwin has strengthened student voice and choice, St. Julia Principal Brian Diogo notes the courage it takes allow a one-to-one classroom become a two-way street:

For us as educators to allow our fears to prevent us from providing these kids with the things that are so natural to them is not fair. We have to have a bit of courage. And we have to figure out that these kids are going to teach us.

Edwin Classroom

Transform your classroom with the digital learning environment making education better …for everyone today.

Teaching and Learning: The World Wide Web of Education


St. Julia: A Glimpse