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Edwin Essentials | Research Skills

You’re in class. You watch in amazement as several students eagerly discuss how to paraphrase, cite sources, and use quotations. Others intensely debate the credibility of a video. In one corner, a lone student waxes poetic on the best way to hunt down information. You scratch your head. Is this really happening? It is when students are exploring Research Skills in Edwin.    

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Supercharge Skills

  • Differentiate between primary and secondary sources

  • Evaluate sources of information

  • Choose and use quotations wisely

  • Paraphrase without plagiarizing

  • Accurately cite sources

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Activities & Challenges

The premise? An interactive story that has students vying for a research assistant position at a technology company. Students must visit five locations on a map and complete the research tasks, but they choose their path of exploration.

Students are active participants as they

  • watch videos

  • solve puzzles

  • do quizzes

  • follow text cues

  • develop and improve their research skills

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Build Your Toolkit

Students come away with a personalized toolkit that will help them apply their research skills  across all subjects!  

Edwin Essentials

Research Skills is an Edwin Essentials module. Find Edwin Essentials in your subject library. Available to all Edwin users, Edwin Essentials engages students to build and grow life skills and competencies such as digital citizenship, cultural competence, financial literacy, global awareness, and more. Check it out now!

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